なお、彼の2作目の著書"Homo Deus"(参考過去記事)は、2018年の9月に日本語版が発売予定(河出書房新社のページより)。
そして3作目の著書である"21 Lessons for the 21st Century"が、同じく18年9月に英語版(やドイツ語版やフランス語版やイタリア語版)から発売予定である。
ユヴァル・ノア・ハラリ - ゲイであることについてのQ&AYuval Noah Harari - Q&A on Being Gay
Q: あなたがゲイであるという事実は科学研究に影響を与えましたか?
Q: Does the fact you’re gay influence your scientific research?
Very much so. As a gay man, it is crucial to know the difference between stories invented by humans and reality.
The same ability is also crucial for scientific research.
When I was young, I was told that all boys are attracted to girls. And I believed that.
It took me long time to realize that this is just a story invented by humans and the reality is that some boys love other boys and I happened to be one of them.
It is a great wisdom to accept the reality as it is even if it contradicts the story most people believe.
Similarly, many people say that there is a great big man in the sky who gets very angry if two men love one another.
But, this is just another imaginary story people invented. If two men love one another and they don’t harm anyone, what could possibly be wrong with that.
No big man in the sky becomes angry about it. The only ones who get angry are all kinds of priests and rabbis.
Scientific research is based on exactly the same insights.
As scientist, I constantly ask myself what is reality. Forget all the stories people invented about the world. What is the truth about the world.
As gay man, I learned if reality collides with the story people tell, it is best to believe reality. I think this lesson has made me a much better scientist.
Q: あなたの科学研究は性的なアイデンティティに影響していますか?
Q: Did your scientific research affect your sexual identity?
Science certainly helped me to accept my sexuality as it is.
People often say it is “unnatural” to be gay that nature wanted males to love females and females to love males and gay people break the laws of nature.
Scientific research taught me that this is utter nonsense.
There is no such thing as unnatural behavior. Anything that exists is, by definition, also natural.
People just can’t break the laws of nature. The laws of nature is not like the laws of traffic laws.
With traffic laws, the government says you cannot drive a car more than a hundred kilometers per hour. And if people break the rule and drive a hundred twenty kilometers per hour and a traffic policeman stops them and give them a ticket.
The laws of nature say that you cannot move faster than the speed of light. But, that does not mean if you drive at twice the speed of light, a galactic traffic policeman stops you and gives you a ticket. It is just impossible to do it.
If you somehow succeed to drive faster than the speed of light, it just means that we probably don’t understand the true laws of nature and that in certain situations it is very natural to move faster than the speed of light.
If something exists, it is, by definition, natural.
If two women love each other, it means that it is natural. No laws of nature prohibits it and the fact is that homosexuality is quite common among many animals, not just among humans.
For example, among our closest relatives in nature, the chimpanzees, homosexual behavior is quite common.
Most sexual activities among chimpanzees are not done in order to procreate little chimps. Rather, chimpanzees use sex to cement political alliances to establish intimacy and to defuse tensions. Is there anything unnatural about it?
The idea that sex exists only for the purpose of procreation is complete nonsense invented by priests and rabbis.
In truth, our concept of natural and unnatural are not taken from biology. They are taken from Christian theology.
The theological meaning of natural is in accordance with the intentions of the God who created nature.
Christian theologians argued that God created the human body intending each limb and organ to serve a particular purpose. If we use our limbs and organs for that purpose envisioned by God, this is natural activity. To use them differently than God intends is unnatural.
But, all this is mythology.
God didn’t create humans and other animals. They evolved by natural selection. And, evolution just has no purpose.
Organs have not evolved with a particular purpose. And the way organs are used by animals and humans is in constant flux.
There is hardly a single organ in human body that only does the job its prototype did when it appeared hundreds of million years ago.
Organs evolved to perform a particular function. But, once they exist, it is totally natural to adapt them for other usages.
Feathers first appeared to keep ancient reptiles warm. Now birds use them to fly. Is that unnatural?
Fingers appeared to help our ancestors climb the trees. Now we use them to play the piano. Is that unnatural?
Mouth appeared to enable organisms to take food into their bodies. And now we use them to speak and to kiss. Is that unnatural?
Similarly, sex first appeared for the purpose of procreation. But, now we use it to establish intimacy and friendships and relationships. Is there anything unnatural about that?
Q: ヌードや、性を隠していないことを理由にゲイ・パレードに反対をしている人に何か言うことはありますか?
Q: What would you say to people who object to gay parades because of the nudity and open sexuality often on display?
Well, throughout history, nudity killed very few people. But, religious fanaticism killed millions. So before we worry so much about nudity in gay parade, we had better worry about religious extremism.
2018.09.29 追記